“Aspirants,” a popular TVF online series, has returned for a second season that delves further into the lives of UPSC hopefuls. The show, which received widespread notice during its first season, continues to investigate the struggles, goals, and aspirations of those studying for one of India’s most demanding tests.
Aspirants Season 2 Review Highlight
Cast: Naveen Kasturia, Shivankit Singh Parihar, Abhilash Thapliyal, Sunny Hinduja, Namita Dubey, Tengam Celine, and ensemble.
Creator: Arunabh Kumar & Deepesh Sumitra Jagdish.
Director: Apoorv Singh Karki.
Streaming On: Amazon Prime Video.
Language: Hindi (with subtitles)
Runtime: 5 Episodes Around 45 Minutes Each.
The Plot
The second season continues where the first left off. Naveen Kasturia’s character, Abhilash Sharma, is strongly involved in the UPSC process, even overcoming health challenges to appear for his tests. The dynamics of his connections, particularly with his two closest pals, play an important role in the story. The season highlights concerns regarding the incentives for pursuing the prestigious bureaucratic lifestyle, as well as the societal pressures that come with it.
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Reception Criticism
Koimoi Review:
The show perfectly reflects the difficulty that UPSC applicants endure. While Naveen Kasturia’s portrayal of Abhilash is admirable, the series touches on real-world issues that occasionally cause the plot to falter. The series does a wonderful job of emphasizing the emotional and mental toll that the preparation takes on candidates.
Review of Indian Express:
The series romanticizes the arduous preparatory procedure. While it emphasizes the immense anxiety felt by millions of students, it occasionally fails to address the fundamental questions. Why do so many young people pursue this dream? Is it a result of society pressure, personal ambition, or a combination of the two? The show also addresses the concept of “accidental administrators,” who may not be skilled at their professions despite passing the exams.
“Aspirants Season 2” combines drama, emotion, and truth to provide audiences an inside glimpse at the world of UPSC preparation. While it has some brilliant moments, it also raises questions about the educational system, societal expectations, and the true meaning of success.