Looking for the latest movie channels on Telegram? Your quest for finding a good telegram movie channel has brought you to the right place.
We know it’s tough to decide which Telegram movie channel to join and what to not because there are numerous Telegram channels out there.
We value your time and so, we would try our best to give you the best results for your queries and that too without taking much time.
The following list will provide you with the best Telegram movie channels, we also listed these channels according to their language criteria like best Malayalam movie channel, best Kannada movie channel, best Gujarati movie channel, best Hollywood movie channel, best Tollywood movie channel, best Hindi movie channel, best Telugu movie channel, Netflix Movie Channel, Prime movie channel and many more.
And we will show you the easiest way for download telegram movies and how to download movies from top telegram channel.
The list of movie channels will give the best information to different users on what they are looking for.
Best Telegram Movie Channels-
These channels cover different cinema categories like English, Gujarati, Malayalam, and Hindi. These include movies from different genres.
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Best Telegram movie channel List:-
Desi Movies | https://t.me/Bheeshma_2020 |
Technofizi Movie Channels | View all |
Telegram Movies | https://t.me/tmoviesofficial |
Cinima Villa | https://t.me/cinimavilla |
Indian Movies | https://t.me/HindiMoviesOnly |
Movies HD channel | https://t.me/MovieHDChannel |
Cinema Company | https://t.me/Cinemaa_Company |
MoviesEmpire | https://t.me/MoviesEmpire |
Movie Galaxy | https://t.me/MoviesGalaxy |
iMovieShare Channel | https://t.me/joinchat/BnnJMD-cdI3dP0ncZsO4vg |
YIFY Movies | https://t.me/YTSmovies |
RickyChristanto | https://t.me/rickychristanto2 |
mOVIE bARN | https://t.me/moviebarn |
DL Film (FreeMoviesIran) | https://t.me/s/freemoviesiran |
Now, let’s go through specific language content or category if you are looking for some specific movies.
Hindi movie channels on Telegram-
Best Telegram Hindi Movie Channel List:-
Movie Series | https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE6eSihKklo5Gajc9g |
Desi movies | https://t.me/desimovies |
Cinemahub | https://t.me/cinemahub |
Hindi cinemahub | https://t.me/hindicinemahub |
Hindi old movies | https://t.me/hindioldmovies |
New Release | https://t.me/cc_new |
Cinema company | https://t.me/Cinemaa_Company |
Hindi dubbed cinemahub | https://t.me/hindidubbedcinemahub |
Hindi Movies | https://t.me/cc_HindiMovies |
Hindi Latest Movies | https://t.me/HindiLatestMoviezz |
New Movies | https://telegram.me/NewMoviesDownloadFilm |
Movie Series | https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE9B8u_wO9d4NiJp3w |
Hollywood Movie Channels-
Best Telegram Hollywood Movie Channel List
Marvel Movies | https://t.me/CC_Marvel |
Movies Empire | https://t.me/MoviesEmpire |
Movies on Gdrive | https://t.me/moviesongdrive |
Telegram Movies | https://t.me/tmoviesofficial |
Download Movies | https://t.me/Download_Movies |
Movies | https://t.me/moviesparadise |
English Cinemahub | https://t.me/Englishcinemahub |
New Release | https://t.me/cc_new |
YIFY Movies | https://t.me/YTSmovies |
Multi Audio Movies | https://t.me/multiaudiomovies |
Check Full list of Telegram English Movie Channels
Telugu Movies Channels-
Best Telugu Movie Channel List
Telugu Movies 2 | https://t.me/telugumoviessss |
Telugu Dubbed Movies | https://t.me/telugu_dubbedmovies |
All Telugu Movies | https://t.me/all_telugumovies |
Telugu Cinemahub | https://t.me/telugucinemahub |
Telugu Movies HD Torrents | https://t.me/TeluguMoviesHDGroup |
Telugu Movies | https://t.me/telugu_moviess |
New Telugu Movies | https://t.me/new_telugu_moviess |
Movie Series | https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE6eSihKklo5Gajc9g |
Telugu movies HD | https://t.me/telugu_movies_hd |
Tamil movies channels
Best Tamil Movie Channel List
TamilRockers.com | https://t.me/tamilrockersnet |
Tamil Cinemahub | https://t.me/tamilcinemahub |
Tamil Thriller Movies | https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEjn7_3LbAhMcRMPTw |
Tamil Movies(Dedicated) | https://t.me/cc_tamilmovies |
TamilMV Official (.im) | https://t.me/tamilmvapp |
Tamil Dubbed Movies | https://t.me/CC_TamilDubbed |
TAMIL MOVIES | https://t.me/tamilmoviez |
Tollywoodzz- Tamil HD Movies | https://t.me/tollywoodzz |
TamilMv.cz | https://t.me/Tamil_Mv |
Kannada Movie Channel
Best Kannada Movie Channel List
KANNADA HD MOVIES | https://t.me/KannadaHDTelegram |
Kannada rockers Moviesz | https://t.me/Kannada_rockers_Moviesz |
SD Movie | https://t.me/sdmovie |
Kannada impu | https://t.me/kannadaimpu |
NEW Kannada Movies HD | https://t.me/new_kannada_movies_HD |
Tamilrockers.bz | https://t.me/tamilcinemahub |
Kannada HD Moviez | https://t.me/KannadaMoviez_HD |
Hindi New HD Movies | https://t.me/kannadaHDmoves |
Kannada New Movies 2018 | https://t.me/kannadanewmoviess2018 |
Malayalam Movie Channel:
Best Malayalam movie channel list
Channel NAME | Links |
Malayalam Movies | https://t.me/MalayalamMovies |
Cinima world | https://t.me/Cinimaworld |
Malayalam latest Movies | https://t.me/Malayalam_latest_Movies |
Indian Moviez | https://t.me/IndianMoviez |
Mollywood diaries | https://t.me/Mollywooddiaries |
Netflix Movie Channel
Best Netflix Channel List:
Channel NAME | Links |
Netflix | https://t.me/netflix |
Netflix Moviez | https://t.me/NetflixMoviez |
Netflix online | https://t.me/netflixonline |
Netflix Newsbot | https://t.me/netflixnewsbot |
Premium Cookies | https://t.me/PremiumCookies |
Punjabi Movie Channel
Best Punjabi Movie Channel List:
Channel NAME | Links |
Latest Punjabi Movies HD | https://t.me/Latest_Punjabi_Movies_HD |
PunjabiMovies new | https://t.me/PunjabiMovies_new |
Punjabi cinema hub | https://t.me/punjabicinemahub |
Punjabi movies community | https://t.me/punjabimoviescommunity |
New punjabi moviee | https://t.me/new_punjabimoviee |
Check Full list of Telegram Tamil Movie Channels.
Well, if you have this question in your mind, then do not worry, we have your issue sorted out. You can also try Telegram Kannada movie channels.

How to Download Movies on Telegram?
Downloading movies on Telegram is not that hard though. It is so easy that it does not even require any explanation. Just follow these simple steps given below-
- Open Telegram.
- Open the channel and search for the movie you want to download.
- You will see an arrow in a blue circle on the movie link, click on that arrow.

- Your movie will start downloading from telegram.
- You can stop or pause the downloading as your desire from Telegram.
- The movie will be stored in your phone storage. If you want to see the file, then go into the documents section of Telegram folder in your phone storage.
You can also stream or watch latest movies, series, and shows directly on Telegram without downloading, for that you will find the direct stream file link, check the below image.

We have listed lots of Telegram movie channels in all major languages. You can join these groups to get a free movie download links and updates,
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